The Living of Know Thy-Self

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The Living of Know Thy-Self communicates the essence of the works as applied. These writings are born from my lived experiences, and are underpinned by my personal philosophies. In sharing my experiences and self-learnings, I seek to relate in a way that invites acceptance of ‘the naturalness of our emotional journey', and encourage the practice of self-healing, from which flows the ability to stand in ones personal power - the power inherent in the feminine. Our inner world is a valuable part of our lives, intricate to our ability to enact what we desire in the outer world. But first we must listen to our emotions and embrace their teachings, rather than pushing feelings aside. It is through acknowledging all that is uncomfortable in our inner world, that ultimately gives rise to freedom from what keeps us small. 

Current posting cycle is one article a month on the second Wednesday of the month.


Our Anchors, are the self-practices we employ that provide us with a strong footing to greet the day. They assist you interact with more awareness in the outer world. From awareness comes discernment. Your point of power resides in the decision you make before you greet your day. 


Healing is conceivably the most important self work you can do. It is through healing we can free ourselves from patterns of behaviour that cause emotional distress. Healing in the context of Know Thy-Self is about healing our underlying emotional wounds through self-work and in combination with those who hold a genuine holistic approach to wellbeing.

When we open ourselves up to working with the body and the source of dis - ease, in contrast to ‘fixing’, we discover a vast array of healing modalities. There is no ‘one’ way to heal and no-one can fix another. Healing is a prompt to begin the process of discovery of self with 'resonance' being your guide to what works best for you. Remember also that discovering what does not work for you is equally as important as what does work. When there is resonance your intuition is calling you to listen.

Life @ Work

Life @ Work encompasses situations we bump up against in the outer world. For many this will be their work world or professional engagements. Our outer world encounters are the juncture where our personal conditioned responses meet societies conditioning and expectations. Breaking free from conditioned responses, is where the work is. 

Personal Psychology

At the heart of all that we are, is our Personal Psychology, which when reflected upon, illuminates our conscious and unconscious responses. Contemplation, the dwelling in our inner world, gives rise to self-realisation. Here lays the distinction as between knowledge and knowing. Anything worthwhile cannot be taught - we have to realise it for ourselves.