Personal Psychology Series - Heart Coherence [4]

Heart Coherence (1) denotes our essence as humans being on planet earth. We are here to love and be loved yet that essential knowing has been lost. The disconnect of ourselves from our hearts is similar to our disconnect from nature such that we know not what lays within and around us. We have forgotten who we are and in doing so our ability to create. The ability to create and recreate is remarkable, the more so because we can change in an instant our view of our world, no matter the turmoil that seeks to dominate our existence.

The world is ‘dark and dense’ place presently as we witness the structures of old crumble through the revelation of unpalatable truths about those who have governed our lives. This coupled with the ascension process has contributed to it being a tough year but like any tough period in our lives we emerge stronger and more resilient, though it is fair to say that this morning my resilience faded from view.

Pondering upon humanities self destruction I was lamenting the loss of beauty and the harshness that seeks to pervade our lives. I was despairing about the deliberateness of humanities destruction at the hand of those that govern with impunity. One only needs to look to history to see that in times of monumental change beauty is always the first to fade. Beauty uplifts the soul and in a world where the soul-less currently reign the charm of life is being actively diminished. And now the charm of people, as the populace are coerced not to speak; hence the masks. Such that I felt very disheartened. Whilst it is said that Love has won, in my ungrounded state of being I lost sight of the potentials of what we are living into.

My practice is to journal to release the thoughts that divorce me from myself. In doing so I had the most profound realisation. I wrote the words I am taking on the worlds ills again.Let them be Carol and focus on your works. I have lost my heart coherence and only I can find it. The dominos fell instantly as I realised what I had written — only I can find it. The truth rose up to greet me as I saw that I am authoress of my life and thus I alone can change it. That was a nudge from the universe not to fall into despair and that it is within my power to effect what I wish to. This instantaneous realisation was a rare occurrence, but then we are living through times of instant manifestation.

Ancient truths hold that we are all powerful beings. But like all wisdoms, we have to discover them for ourselves. Source is within us and around us and help is there for the asking. Remembering to seek within the answers to the questions we pose is not a natural inclination yet it seems to me the more I share with myself, the more I work with myself and the more I ask of myself, the easier it becomes to assume a different way of life; a way of life that taps into the mysteries that are life itself.  

Enjoining with our heart is the most beneficial way to overcome the dark, hence the many meditations for world peace and harmony. I would go far as to say that the ONLY way to manage wellbeing during these end of times and the disclosures about the crimes against humanity, is to enjoin with our hearts. Likewise forgiveness of self and others is humanities pathway to salvation (2). We must regain our heart coherence to not only survive these times, but to create a more personalised existence.  

So what is heart coherence and what can you do? Place your hands on your heart chakra and breath deeply. It is through deep breathing through the mouth (our holy breath) that we connect with our body temple. As you settle into your breathing you find it slows, the result of which is that you ground yourself. You regain your poise. Immerse yourself in the love in your heart by thinking about what brings you joy. Feel the joy flood your being. Smile. The combination of being still, breathing deliberately, connecting with your heart and feeling your particular love, is a form of heart coherence. There will be many definitions and practices. This is my way — find what works for you.

There is nothing that love cannot heal. As soon as you move into your heart space the lower vibrations have no effect any more. You find your disposition changes in an instant. I turned my thoughts towards creating my new life. I created space in my heart and reunited with myself and from self birthed this particular writing.  

The key though is remembering that source provides everything we need. But we have to remember to avail ourselves of the simple techniques that are there for the choosing. We must make our remembering our companions each day. Look to the left (3) through out the day is one technique to remind you that your present moment is where you find your heart coherence which supports your will to return to the joy that is your being.

Date: Wednesday,  August 11, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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1. Coherence 

Cohere - Latin - Co - together +haerere to cling. The Collins Pocket Dictionary 1989 edition.1.

2. Salvation

From whence my use of these religious words hail from I know not, but one can appreciate without enjoining in the theosophy of religion. Religion has been used as a tool to control our human experience, by teaching that source is outside of self. Thus religion externalises what is held naturally within and ‘denied the-feminine’. Whereas a person who is spiritual seeks the answers to the questions they pose by communicating with their god source; their higher self. I honour the-feminine and the divine-masculine given both are needed to create balance in the world. The denying of the feminine whilst bringing about humanities destruction has though given birth to the new earth as led by the feminine.

3. Carlos Castaneda