Life @ Work Series - Bringing About Change [2]

 “Do You Ever Wonder If This Is The Way Things Are Meant To Be?” So said Charlie the unhappy protagonist in a short film called “Charlie Thistle”. 1 Charlie worked at the Department of Normality. Year in and year out he followed the unwritten protocol of stamping ‘NO’ on each ‘request for change’ application form. Upon receiving a promotion he came into a state of grace and confidence suffice to pose the above question. His partner replied “Well you are now in charge if anyone can change things it would be you” 2. In an instance Charlie’s perception of what was possible changed. He realised that he could bring about change. He was in charge. 

Feeling encouraged by the possibility of change Charlie arrived early at work the next day, something he had never done before. He also opened a different drawer. He selected a different stamp and he stamped every ‘request for change’ form that came into the Department of Normality with ‘YES’.  That day he found his work at the Department of Normality exhilarating. He had taken back control of his life by taking action. A different action than before. The essence of the story? Change the idea that nothing can be changed and that changes everything  

 Change can be brought about no matter the particular work or personal situation you are living through. When we change our perception of what is possible, we change ourselves. We respond to situations differently. We respond from our point of power and with the courage of our convictions. 

Once you change the ‘idea’ that you can bring about change as Charlie did, you move from feelings of disempowerment to feelings of empowerment. Your renewed interest creates a momentum of its own. Think about this. Think of the times you have felt invigorated and how in your invigorated state of being, you felt alive with a sense of possibility.

Maintaining momentum is the essential ingredient in bringing about change. The key to maintaining momentum is to honour your decision to bring about change and to know yourself so well that you can identify when your lower self, that is your ego, seeks to derail your efforts. We can so easily fall prey to doubt. When doubt arises, stand up to it and renew your intentions - out loud. Moments of doubt can be short-lived when we notice what we are doing to ourselves. Likewise we may need to make time to identify our underlying feelings.  

Life provides ample opportunities to bring about our own change through ‘free will’. However, if we fail to heed the unwritten messages, the soul takes charge of our lives and we are forced to obey. Usually it’s through our physicality. As Elisabeth Bishop so perceptively observed “the body is the shadow”. Bringing about change is thus something not only we might desire to do, but eventually our soul demands that we do. Reflect on your life and pose the questions ‘what did I learn from this experience?' What changes did I make or what matters did I choose not address? For it is the matters left undone or the allowing of intended changes to slip away, that will come back and demand that you change. 

Make change before it is forced upon you. This physical existence is very challenging though few admit this highly relevant truth. We are constantly in school with work one of the play grounds which provides experiences whether we want them or not. The siren call to bring about self change is resoundingly loud presently hence transparency is more opaque than it once was.  

Coming back to Charlie Thistle. His change of perspective initially saw him making change at work using positional power. This flowed into his personal life, which is what I speak to. It’s your personal power as the creator and director of you own life which thereby flows out to the wider world that I stand for. Hold on tightly to the notion that change rests with you. It is achievable. Be fiercely compassionate with yourself as you endeavour to bring about the change you want to see. It will happen if you want it enough.  

Remember that You are In Charge -  ‘If Anyone Can Change Things, It Can be You’

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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1&2. Charlie Thistle Written and Directed by Bragi Schut ( SCC v12 2009)

Life at workCarol Lorraine