Healing Series - Healing Modalities of the New Earth [5]

Those walking the path of Knowing Thy-Self assume personal responsibility. As a person practicing sovereignty over self, knowing how to take care of my physical wellbeing is of vital importance, particularly in an age where much is manufactured.

My active participation in my physical wellbeing has led to a wider awareness of this extraordinary universe each of us are part of, yet most are divorced from. I have come to see that natures intelligence includes both natures elementals and the elemental that directs your physical body. Simply fascinating. 

As our personal understanding of ‘all that is’ deepens, one develops a heightened sense of energy. Its similar to being able to read a room or sensing a person. Each of us at some stage has ‘felt’ what is occurring around them. One's energy field always belies the truth.  We make energy tangible when we realise the power of energy that is available to each of us. Knowing that energy is palatable is to name a truth. To name something is to understand what one is dealing with. It changes the way we perceive the world.

Masaru Emoto (1) documented his finding on the ability of human consciousness; the energy of thought, to affect the molecular structure of water. This was significant research given water is the principle fluid in our bodies. The correlation being that our thoughts affect our physicality. Similarly Ho’oponopono “the indigenous Hawaiian practice that is relationship based and is used to set things right between individuals through honest dialogue” (2) demonstrates the effect of energy through vibration; the sound of words. I thank Suely DePaula for his creation of a particular lovely sound rendition titled “Ho’oponopono - Feel It”. The power of group meditation to direct energy in a positive manner is also well documented with the case study on the reduction of crime in New York worth a look. In a similar manner there are many group meditations for world peace available using the collective power of the energy of positive thought.

In terms of energy healing modalities, Kinesiology is a practice used by healers to identify the individuals particular energy response to remedies. A recent experience with Kinesiology highlighted to me the power of energy healing in a way that I had not previously applied. I presented at my naturopath exhausted and with my body run down my teeth were causing pain. Prior to the appointment I had identified what I thought my body required. We tested my body using Kinesiology. The practitioner placed proposed remedies on my solar plexus and then tested for the bodies response as to agreement with the remedy or not. Where the proposed remedy was not available in its physical form, she wrote the name of the remedy on a piece of paper and placed that paper on my body and tested my bodies response. In this way the particulars of what my body lacked were identified. 

It was rewarding to discover that the remedies I had self tested prior to the appt. were identified independently by the naturopath through Kinesiology testing. In fact there is a product called Nano-cell D3 & K2. Kinesiology is an immensely valuable healing art. It’s a combination of the art itself, the skills of the practitioner, the ethos of the practitioner, the sensitivity of the individual and your openness to trusting your body. 

During this particular consultation I made mention that that the placement of remedies on the body is the healing modality of the future. It was only post the consultation I realised the full impact of what I had said. I believe the energy healing of the future is to simply place the remedy or name of the remedy upon the body. The body will absorb the remedy or aspects of the remedy that it is compatible with. Given your body instinctively  knows what is good for it, unpalatable ingredients will not be absorbed. On this basis there will be no need to actually take any product. 

Whilst I have been employing energy testing when selecting products, I had up till that moment not made the connections as between ‘testing in’ for energy response and directly applying the name of the remedy to my body with view to absorption through my energy field rather than ingesting. I have thus opened a new pathway for exploring how I maintain my well-being which is particularly helpful in times when shortages of product and clean food are becoming evident.

 To be noted my heightened sensitivity enables me to ‘read’ energy. This is a useful skill to develop enabling you to ascertain the essence and thus the truth of ‘who’ a person is being in any particular moment and also test for situational awareness. Given this highly refined ability to feel into my body I also use my body as a pendulum. 

With this new realisation of the power of the body temple when natures intelligence is honoured, I can now self care to a higher degree. The turning point has been speaking out-loud what I on some level knew to be true. It was the power of words that brought into being what was residing in my subconscious mind such that what ensured was an alignment with my conscious mind. In acknowledging my truth I gave permission to myself to apply more diligently my knowing which previously I had not given full credence to.  

The bodies readiness to absorb healing energies in the manner described will be determined by your belief systems and your bodies sensitivity to energy. Developing a closer relationship with yourself is the gateway to trusting your innate responses. Your ability to tap into your energy field and be guided by your intuition is awaiting your honouring thereof.

So all these years later I have discovered there are benefits to being highly sensitive once one heals ones emotional wounds. Each of us must do what is right for ourselves. Remember, you have more than you know. The benefits of knowing yourself are apparently boundless.

Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

If you have found this article helpful to your personal narrative and wish to share, please attribute your sharing by linking to the web site: https://www.carollorraine-knowthyself.org.

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1. Masaru Emoto. Look further afield when undertaking your research. Currently there tends to be a bias against self-care remedies. Be discerning.

2. Jane A Schumacher ED.D Research Phoenix.edu

HealingCarol Lorraine