Personal Psychology Series - High Horse & Purity [5]

Often Our Behaviours And The Stances We Take Are Habitual. Reacting rather than responding has been a tendency of mine. Having largely overcome  — for one can never say one has perfected life's trials, the difference factor is that my pondering’s result in a speedy resolution as between me and me. I don’t stew as I once did. I see what is occurring and why. 

How on earth do we remember all that there is to remember? There is so much to resolve within ourselves with mirrors everywhere. Have you seen them? What have you noticed about yourself recently? Have you had any sweepings? Sweepings being replays of situations; replays that are testing your fortitude to overcome a particular   habit that does not serve you. Whilst it can be disheartening to fall back into old habits what one can do is to note that invariably you will be 'tested' yet again to see if you respond differently. Your mission is to recognise in the moment the situation you are facing and act deliberately, after which you can pat yourself on the back and say well done.

In regard to a recent situation, (this article authored in August 2020) where I reacted instead of responded, the additional factor that arose was my noticing the spoken words “get off your high horse”. For those unfamiliar with this saying, it means that you are taking a stance where none need to be taken or you are being judgemental. Being on your high horse is about a certain type of mood whereby you distain another — no matter their mean behaviour was deliberately contrived or unconsciously re-presented itself in them. You too have a mean side and unconscious behaviours that re-present… just saying. Source works in mysterious ways.

As I was reflecting on the particular energy I was imbuing post the high horse comment, I found myself seeking out the works of Olivier Manitara. I was drawn to the word purity. Purity - such a beautiful word. A word that brings into being, feelings of softness and joy, such as what comes over us when we look at a new born babe. And the oh so important verb purify  —  the ‘doing’, which is where all change resides.

This is what Olivier had to say. “Purity is to preserve what is precious in life. Fertile earth, pure water, pure air……Water is pure when it is water. Likewise, woman is pure when she is truly herself. Hence purity in a woman is connected to the observation and knowledge of her true eternal being. If a ‘being’ loses her purity, then discord and sickness come into her life. Purity is the guarantee for harmony, health, [and] power. An impurity is always a symbol that something is not working… What is pure is simple, what is impure is complicated and brings confusion. Simplicity brings love, joy…Complexity produces discontent, irritation anger…”

I found these words very profound and beautiful. As Keats said “Beauty is Truth, Truth is Beauty, that is all.” I painted these words on an outside wall some years ago — words to live by so to speak.

Life mirrors to us what we need to address within ourselves. When we take the time pause and reflect, we can review our part in the situation at hand, and how we might have behaved differently. Do you see the relationship as between mirrors and reflecting? For those who are on the path our lives are similar to a jigsaw puzzle where we take one piece at the time and see where it fits into the picture of our selves — the self that at heart is purity. Our mirrors are inviting us to purify our emotions, moods, stances, attitudes and behaviours —  apply whatever word resonates with you. Bringing our full presence to the moment enables us to 'see the mirror'. This is where your point of power resides  — in the moment. Second best is to reflect on the image you created  —what is in the mirror, and resolve. What actually happened and how you will respond differently next time. Human beings are so very complex, both contrary and contradictory. Can we ever say I am this or that given so many nuances make up our characters? 

Whilst I endeavour to be particular to avoid judging the actions of others that I meet knowing that being human involves making mistakes and few are pure, I find this easier in terms of those on the peripheral of my life. When I see deliberate dissonance such as those in ones immediate family and interesting enough the deliberate dissonance from those that govern our world presently, this purity of thinking disappears from view. Such that when faced with the likes of family or the politicising of people, my passion as a stand for truth and the care and welfare of humanity, results in my taking a ‘high horse’ approach which brings out a particular intenseness. A lack of purity comes to the fore.

Such then is a greater need to exhibit purity. To not only exhibit purity, but to live it. The world we see around us will be healed through purity of thought, deed and action. If we take the high horse stance then we only aggravate the situation at hand. We are participating, if we allow those who seek to undermine another to affect the quality of our lives. Humanity is currently being provoked to take the high horse approach. In participating, we become putty for those who seek to make humanity malleable. Our point of power is always in the present moment. Heightening our awareness about our very selves assists us see more clearly what is occurring outside of our selves. When we sidestep provocations we rise above ‘what is’ and are the bigger person for having done so. 

We women as leaders of the new earth, will be well served by adding purity of thought to our compendiums. A compendium being part of your Credo - what you stand for and how you stand for what you stand for. Our considered thinking is very much needed at this time. By purifying yourself in terms of your thoughts and their emotional connection, we wo-men can enhance our own lives immeasurably, and thus the lives of those around us.

Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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*Kerrie Marsh in conversation

Article amended slightly 8/2/2022