Credo Series - Deliberate Decision Making [5]

Living deliberately comes to the fore when purchasing decisions are required, particularly significant purchases yet  its as well to keep your wits about you for choices around those small engagements. We are still in the transitioning phase where we are gradually letting go of the way of how we previously made choices, and learning to make choices based on our discernment. It’s a tricky ‘out there’ presently. For nothing is as it seems as we close out the old ways and live into the new earth.

Essentially the writings of ‘The Living of Know Thyself’ are in addition to your defining your identity, your values and your preferred way of interacting with the world, are for the purposes of developing awareness in order to assist you navigate around obstacles and thus you light up your own path. Higher levels of awareness also results in your ‘knowing’ who you resonate most strongly with. Vibration is the new currency that is worth its weight in gold and no one can take that from you. Maintaining your Heart Coherence is where you store the gold that lays within you.

Having increased your level of awareness your reminders will be in the nature of recognising a lucky escape if you have over ridden your intuition and at the eleventh hour realised you were right all along. A recent experience once again reminded me not to take another’s view of what resonated with their ethos and keep to my own.

Replacing carpet is not something I would wish on anyone. It felt like I was on the titanic. The act of packing up my home I found destabilising. The flooring being the foundation of ones home metaphorically ripped asunder. My treasures that provide me with sustenance were swept away. There is little enough beauty in the world without my foregoing my own. A clear example also that detachment is not a state of being I have reached. 

I was blessed with the choice of carpet installers. They epitomised the best that humanity has to offer. Having people I resonate with in the intimacy of my home is important to me. How did the choice of people come about? The carpet company went to some length to influence my choice of carpet installers however checking out their recommendation, I found the person was not a match to my values and thus made a different choice. In terms of having the doors shortened to accommodate the new carpet, whilst I did not resonate with the name — a helpful testing mechanism, I proceeded with the carpet companies recommendation. The impact of not following my intuition was soon brought home to me. There were a number of little junctures I questioned silently but ignored. The saying ‘going with the flow’ proved to be a misnomer. Anyway the verbal agreement was to call at days end between 4.30 and 5 pm. Fair enough it was a small job consisting of three doors. At 5.30 I called it as ‘a stand up’ and my helper left. Being winter it was dark outside. At 6pm the door bell rang. The door man was unloading his gear by my front door. I called out “too late — an unacceptable hour to call”. I had not met this man and did not intend to open my home to someone who had NEVER in the course of discussions phoned or text me. I had been the one following through.

So dear reader what was the lesson? For myself their were a few dynamics at play. Firstly the choice of person was made by the same company whom endeavoured to direct me to their choice of installer whom I found wanting and thus declined. Thus it was likely that their choice of the door man would likewise not resonate with me. As they made only one recommendation I took the easy route. I let the mind override the heart and acquiesced to their choice. And payed the lesson. However the beneficial part of the lesson was that at the eleventh hour being 6pm on a dark night, I stood my ground and refused to let them in. Their values as to what they considered acceptable by expecting that I would allow what was in effect a stranger into my home at night, were not in alignment with my own. It was a disconcerting experience at the end of a three month period of packing up and having been heartened with the carpet installers who had finished that very day. An example of the polarity that is life. The contrast was stark. As to next steps. I will invest in a sanding machine and do it myself. The cost will be the same and I end up with a capital purchase.

The question to ask of your self is what is your approach to decision making? Do you have one? If so do you include the ‘personal factor’ or are you reliant on price over people. Do you tend to take the easy road? Do you generally lead or are you living your life being a responder to the intentions of others. For myself as I grow my strength I lead more yet still fall backwards. The trick is to fall upwards and use the wealth of experiences that are your life serve you.  

“Nothing serves the soul like writing; 

it is how we make peace with ourselves through

 clarifying the issues at hand.”

 Carol Lorraine

Date: Wednesday December 8, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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CredoCarol Lorraine