Healing Series - Reiki Healing [6]

A conversation with my sister who has a degree in counselling brought to my attention that I had not given credence to the training and abilities of energy healers. To her question "how much training is involved in learning Reiki " I replied "a day for each level".This in contrast to her four years of academic study.

Counselling, therapy, phycologists, and psychology consultations, the essence of which are largely conversation based, are the predominant society norms for addressing deeper life issues. All are anchored in academic study from which theories are formed and applied. As part of the unwritten pact as between religion and science, the spiritual is excluded. Academia, as the operating arm of all permissible thought, is subject thus to this pact. Though not all succumb to other peoples points of view. For instance the works of Gregg Braden a scientist whose thinking is anchored in "Bridging Science, Spirituality & the Real World".   

In recent times, person centred counselling has come to the fore; an acknowledgement in part of the person as a person. The idea here is that counsellors follow the conversational lead of the client, rather than any particular theory. Whilst mind orientated, the essence of the industry is that it's a profession that is caring.  

So what is the backstory to energy healers that on the surface there appears to be only minuscule 'formal' training and what actually is involved? The formal training constitutes an 'initiation' into learning the Reiki symbols, the process involved to connect with source. This initiation is followed by empowerment through the practice of Reiki Treatments, combined with the practitioners ongoing spiritual development.

However, what leads to the actual undertaking to learn Reiki is where the depth and breath of knowledge and knowing really begins  — the training so to speak. Herein lays the important distinction  —  it is the spiritually aware who are called to energy healing. 

Prior to undertaking formal Reiki training, the soon to be Reiki practitioners would have experienced multiple Reiki healings and felt both relief from discomfort and a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. They are drawn to healing through experiencing healing.  

The spiritually aware often experience life paths that are extremely challenging for they have been constantly tested, often from a young age. The depth and breadth of their knowledge is experiential. Through these multiple challenges, they have come to know source.  

Speaking for myself, the spiritually aware have experienced the full spectrum of physical, emotional and spiritual challenges, the breadth and depth of which is incomprehensible to those on a less tenuous life path. They are aware of their demons and that demons exist and to overcome both they have developed endurance and tenacity. Likewise they have come to know the archangels, the elements, elementals, kingdoms, and Christ consciousness  — (NOT religion). These connections with 'all that is' provide guidance from a myriad of sources  — guidance that you too can avail yourself of when you allow source to guide you.

It is this 'hands on experience' of multiple challenges that has given rise to their acute sensitivities. They bring to the table a wealth of knowledge, in particular their highly refined sensing skills. They relate to the journey of the soul, are aware of past lives, akashic records, soul groups, giving and receiving and above all they actively seek not to judge. They know that each of us is doing the best they can. They know that our challenges ultimately bring out the best in us. They know that the harder the tests the more the soul has to offer. In summary the depth and breadth of their knowledge begins with their life path with their 'knowing' increasing in line with their spiritual development. Each practitioner is as unique as you are. There is no set prescription. Reiki Treatments are for the more spiritually aware. No amount of healing from source will assist you if you are not ready to heal or believe not in the power of source. 

So coming back to the beginning, the length of training as between counsellors and energy practitioners is more than similar  — it's just a different type of training. I would argue that the training of energy healers is longer and more arduous. The Counselling and conversations approach helps many, just as energy healing helps many. There is no one way. It depends on which path you are on. Weaving in and out of paths is just fine, so to is walking both paths at the same time. 

From my observation of my response to my sisters question I noted two things. Firstly, in writing this article I came to see how far I have travelled. Secondly I realised that it's time for the spiritually aware to share the meaning of their substance — and honour it. For it will be the spiritually aware that will provide deep and meaningful help to those awakening to the truth of the world they have lived in. Truths, that whilst unpleasant will result in a societal shift towards healing  — healing from source.

We are witnessing the fall of 'the system of systems' that have not served the wellbeing of humanity. Humanity will (hopefully) in the next few years, be free to engage with the vast array of healing technologies; technologies hidden from view or disparaged because they are simple and effective. We will see the revival of ancient wisdoms and folk remedies; those old wives tales that are worth their weight in gold. But most importantly, the means to access what is already present, is growing as both the planet and her people are Ascending. As our level of consciousness grows one deepens their connection with themselves and mother earth. A whole new vista opens up; yours to avail yourself of.

The active discovery of self will come into it's own as people realise that knowing self and trusting your intuition, is the enabler for everything in their lives  — including self healing.

Date: Wednesday February 9, 2022

Authoress: Carol Lorraine


Offerings — Reiki

Mikao Usui — The Founder of Reiki

Reiki Healing Treatments

Reiki — a path to wellness and personal growth — The Process

Healing Series — Reiki Healing [6]

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HealingCarol Lorraine