Credo Series - Our Personal Truths Matter [3]

When out and about in the city I often ask a complete stranger what do they think about the world? What do they see occurring? Once they get past the initial surprise of the question and take a second look at who is this person, what they care about flows with natural ease. For my sharing of what I care about engenders another to open up to what may have previously been unspoken. I am in effect inviting others to claim their truth and share it. 

This demonstrates that the way to discover your truths is to articulate what you think. When you voice your truths you realise what you care about, and through knowing what you care about you come to understand yourself at a deeper level. When we delve deeper into our personal truths we come to see that 'our truth' is our offering to humanity. Humanity needs your truths.

It follows that my most oft asked question of another is “What do YOU think?” in response to something that is said as a statement. Most reply by re-quoting what they read or hear, repeating verbatim what ANOTHER THINKS. I press them to answer the question. Such that one such person recently asked me “What is my truth and how do I know what the truth is?”. Beautiful. It’s wonderful when one reaches this point of awareness for it demonstrates they are ready to take a step towards uniting with self. For when we express our views, we are expressing our selves.Our deepest selves is where our authenticity resides.

I clearly remember when I first wondered ‘what is my truth?’. For someone that remembers not much of their life, this is saying something. I was pondering upon the difference between my intuition and the truth. I must have answered this question for that pondering dropped from view. I see now that this was the question which brought me to where I am today. Knowing my truth and being willing to speak my truth. 

In reviewing afresh “what is the difference between the truth and intuition”, one has to consider what exactly is meant by each of these words; truth and intuition. And remember the dictionary is only one truth - you will have your own interpretation. In fact it is better that you do. My intuition is my personal guidance system. It’s my higher self making me aware of something. It’s my closest companion and erstwhile teacher. Learn to connect with your intuition for it’s the pathway to opening the door to the mysteries of the universe. As to my Truth? It is what I deem it to be. The proviso here is that your depth and breadth as a person is evidence by your being willing to acknowledge to yourself and others that ‘your truth’ has changed and that given some new realisation or experience, you now see things in a different light. 

Essentially though there is no one truth though I believe religion sees it differently. Imagine living your life out of someone else’s truth? We might begin life doing so but once you grow up there is work to be done. Self-work. The unpacking of misplaced truths for a start.

Our truths are the bedrock of our being. They form part of your Credo. Let your truths serve you and wider humanity per sae. Question more if your truths are so resolute that you refuse to be open to pondering when some experience or other invites you to pause. You may be living another’s truth without realising it.  

When you have reached a point of being able to state your truth, another’s truth does not hold sway over you anymore. You are not easily led. You make your truth matter. No more wondering for you, as you ‘know’, and thus can sort the wheat from the chaff. You have strengthened your connection with yourself. You are more certain. Your truth has become one of your anchors enabling you to give voice to who you are.

And now to Desiderata. “Go Placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in  silence… Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. ”  

I believe our personal truths matters as they reflect the substance of who you are. And because:

There is no WE Women,
until I the Woman,
is willing to stand up,
and speak for herself.
— Carol Lorraine

Date: Wednesday, 10 February, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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