Healing Series - Healing and Healers [2]

A Few Years Ago After A Lifetime Of Sleeping On My Tummy I began to experience neck pain. Having established a solid base of wellness I was wondering what to do about my niggly neck issue, when I met a person who was consulting a practitioners to ‘fix’ their back pain. I found myself swayed by the accustomed way of addressing dis-ease and sought out the osteopath I had seen some twenty years ago. I was in for a surprise.

Having worked with energy healing, flower essences, homeopathy, sound healing and body talk over recent years, I was accustomed to the holistic approach to wellbeing, which is weighted towards understanding our emotional world, with a view to resolving the source of the dis-ease. Appointments are usually a good hour, the venues ‘softer’ often with a garden outlook. This suits who I am now.

Yet, I proceeded with making an appointment based on my past way of self-care which is essentially asking another to 'fix' your issue. I did have an initial reluctance as to venue which was in the thick of the city, but I ignored my intuition. Arriving at the appointment I was greeted with a wall of office doors - absolutely no windows. The immediate focus of the appt. was on information gathering most of which had no relevance to the ailment at hand. Later I realised that practitioners who provide services that are linked to say ACC are required by the 'Ministry' to provide information in return for funding; a practice I find disconcerting. At the time though I simply declined to answer questions I deemed irrelevant. Post the list of questions I advised the particular issue and also asked if the bunions of my feet could also be ‘treated’. The immediate response was a referral for ‘surgery’. Involuntarily I replied "I would never have surgery on my body.” OOPS. The consultation was short and sweet thereafter. 

Post some cranial work, I asked for neck exercises to do at home. I was given a solitary ‘one’. When I asked for more I was referred to another practitioner in the same practice - another fee. The best advice I received was one I should have been aware of myself. Don’t sleep on your tummy. I changed my sleeping position thereafter and whilst I occasionally slipped back, generally I was aware enough during my sleep state, not to lie on my tummy. The years of habit were actually not that hard to change - for I wanted it enough.  

Looking back at this experience I pondered on what the learning was for me. Reverting to old way of conditioning was a reminder of how far I had travelled towards holistic healing and away from practices that have a bias towards medical intervention. This experienced confirmed to me that I  had fully outgrown the conditioned way of looking at dis-ease and now see a system in want of a soul. 

Next I realised I had not honoured my values. I had ignored my meta-physical approach to my dis-ease. When I subsequently asked myself "What is neck pain about" I realised straight away what my body was endeavouring to tell me. Neck pain is about 'something being a pain in the neck'. And yes there was a situation in my life that was a pain in the neck.

I did not heed my intuition such that I ignored my disquiet of going into a high rise for ‘healing’. The blanked wall of doors was not conductive to my sensibilities. I also had allowed myself to be influenced by another's approach to ‘their’ issues. I discounted my way and followed their way. Silly me. 

Great learnings. It takes diligence and dedication to adhere to our commitment to change. Our guidance to keep us on the new path we are setting for ourselves, is our intuition. It's one of your closest friends.  As to healing and healers? 

Healing largely comes from deepening our understanding about ourselves. Healers invite you to look within. I invite you to take responsibility for your body and stop handing it over to another to 'fix' it. Ponder more.

Date: Wednesday 9 September 2020

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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