Life @ Work Series - Riding The Waves of Change [4]

An Extra Edition Of  Life @ Work -  Riding The Waves Of Change  

The extent to which we know ourselves will determine how we ride the waves of change. Never before has clarity about who you are and what you stand for, been as important as it is now. For it seems to me that your Life@Work has now become a matter of life itself.

It is the most testing time to be in the workplace where your livelihood now comes at the cost of your personhood. That not all see this distinction demonstrates the gulf as between the different states of consciousness. Planetary events are sorting out the wheat from the chaff, the leaders of self from the followers of others, those at the mercy of the waves and those riding the waves of change. 

Managing self or being managed by others. Being directed or directing self. Holding true to your values or being subject to the exactitude of another’s values. These are the decisions that are being made by people all over the world. The great reveal  — the reveal of one's inner world is now coming to light. The reveal of one's substance. 

We are seeing the formation of three broad groups. Some might say we are seeing the splitting of time lines in action. These groups are:

1. Life long acquiesces' who take the easy way and follow the program. Questioning or undertaking their own research is outside their sphere of interest. Many are on this time line. They are joined by the egoic, those who revere positions of power; both abdicate self. 

2. Those who are waking up to the truth of new found realities when nothing makes sense any more unless they decide to make sense of what is. They look beyond the content and look at context of the situations they are facing. They begin to question more and in questioning they realise that to ride the waves of change, one needs to navigate around the obstacles that present. They discover a multitude of options exist and act accordingly. Acting instead of being acted upon, provides them with an enormous sense of freedom. They no longer assume or rely upon others for they are placing their trust in their selves.  

3. And then there are those who have a strong connection with self and thus Source. They have travelled the path of waking up to the truth of new found realities and made sense of what is occurring. Their trust in self has led to the knowing that they are being guided and supported by the Divine. They know that 'knowing' serves you, where as knowledge serves others; knowledge being what initiates your forming of your views, but is not necessary your view. They act on their intuition sensing what is to come. They are clear about what they stand for and how they will stand for their personhood.  

Transparency has taken on a new dimension. The deepest levels of your beliefs and values are now being revealed for all to see. Your levels of consciousness are determining your life stream. Yet every choice serves, if not yourself, as a mirror to others.

Testing times — a test of your fortitude, a test of your ability to speak your truth, the test of your ability to rise up to the fullest extent of yourself. Remember that your personal sovereignty can only be impinged upon if you allow another to direct your life. Formal power can only exist if you give your informal power away. 

The courageous one's adhere to their principles and stand up for their personhood, no matter what another wants for them. These are the leaders of the new earth for to lead others one must first lead self. They ride the waves of change for their trust in self is unwavering. Consciousness and consequences of choices are the lessons we are all learning here.

Date: Wednesday September 15, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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Life at workCarol Lorraine