Credo Series - Waking up to your Truth [2]

Truth - What Is It? How Do I Know What Is True For Me? How do I distinguish between my truth and another’s? When you ask these questions of yourself you are at the beginning of your journey back to self. Yes, all that self development to date has been prepping you for this moment. You have reached an important juncture - the juncture where you are being invited to learn about ‘discernment’. Discernment is where one pauses and considers what you read and hear, where you question the interrelation of words and deeds or how the ‘latest’ meme serves you. In short you consider more and in doing so you develop a discerning eye. You do not automatically ‘believe’ and you certainly do not repeat verbatim. Instead you ponder. 

Pondering, musing, and mulling over matters are the stuff of life for they are the means for you to discern what your truth is. Whereas in the past you may have automatically believed then repeated what you heard verbatim, you now ponder first. Instead of being a repeater you gradually become a thinker. Sometimes you ponder for months before realisation dawns upon you. Sometimes, something you pondered upon years ago, comes back into your field of awareness. Ponderings are ultimately very revealing. On occasion my ponderings have led to the fall of a whole set of dominos resulting in my reinterpreting some of my significant experiences in the light of the person I have now become. Remember though we are all managing the best we can based on what we know at the time. Being open to pondering and re-pondering adds to the depth and breadth of you as a person.

Take note of the particular matters you ponder for they are an indication of what interests you and thus what you care about. What we care about leads us to our life’s work. As we grow our strength, so to do we grow our ability to share our view. Pondering’s are a way to know our truth thus assisting us to 'bring into being' our unique self, the self that is awaiting your discovery.

Silence does not mean you do not have a point of view. We often know not what we think until we either write it down or are asked. I find writing useful for disseminating my truth. This morning in attempting to answer a particular correspondence I knew not where to begin. Such that I began by saying “I find I am not sure how to begin”. The very act of stating I was stuck or ‘naming’ what is - provided me with a sense of freedom. Clarity ensured and the words flowed.  

We are living into times where our truth matters given the extent of untruths that have become the norm every which way one looks. Your truth matters more than you know. At heart, most of humanity cares and it is that caring that needs to be brought into being in order to rebuild societies - from the ground up. Everyone has a contribution to make no matter what you may have been led to believe. Your truth is awaiting your discovery. Ponder more and you will find it.

Date: Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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