Anchor Series - Bringing Awareness to Your Presence [6]

Presence where you notice yourself; when you observe yourself as if looking down from on high.

During these unprecedented end of times we are all having to live through, we are undergoing rigorous tests — tests of our endurance, tests of our fortitude and tests of our commitment to our source. It is not easy. 

The energies are intense hence the roller coaster ride that both the awake, and the unaware are experiencing. Managing energies is you key to rising above them. Keeping out of the detail and drawing strength through breath assists the levelling out process. Allow but do not indulge  — be actively involved in your process knowing that this to will pass. Tomorrow is a new day and invariable the texture of your day is different.

Awareness is a state of being that must be actively monitored. Breath and grounding are two easy practices. In terms of your body temple it is as well to scan your energy field at regular intervals throughout the day. You can do this by pausing and feeling into your body. Your body is the messenger. What is the message? What comes to mind? Does your energy field need cleansing? One methodology to clean your energy field is to name each of your chakras with the intention of accessing if open, and clearing them as need be. As your abilities to take command of yourself grow, you instantly feel when something has changed within you. You simply clear any discordant energies and resume your day.

Our task in wanting to know yourself really well is to bring awareness to our presence to a degree not previously thought of. You are asked to prioritise your observations of your self such that awareness is your constant companion. It is as if when you are undertaking any task you are involved both in the task and also observing  your self as if looking down from on high. Try this now. Read these words whilst observing yourself read these words. Is your awareness of your self suffice that you can observe being both in the work (the activity of reading) and on the work? The 'work' being the practice of bringing awareness to your presence.  

If you do not take charge of your energies as reflected in noticing how you are feeling, lower energies will take charge of you and your day, dissuading you from employing actions that serve you. Taking action is always the best way to 'disrupt' ones energy field — consciousness is motion. The simple task of making a decision to stand up if sitting down or pausing to look at something that brings you joy, is enough to take one out of your current state of being. You know this already. You know that when you are deeply engrossed in a project, interruptions can result in loosing your train of thought. You have it all within your fingertips. What you are ask to do is to remember what you already know.

Developing a strong relationship with yourself serves you in innumerable ways. Knowing yourself is about your claiming the full extent of your abilities  — which are many. Your perception of your reality changes immeasurably as you realise who you really are. The beauty of these works, yes the beauty that I wish to relate to you is that you can develop your strength by making a decision to do so. You can do this largely by yourself accepting we all need assistance with our spiritual development from time to time. You can do this work in the silence of the space as between you and you. No one need know. Thus this work has particular application to those cultures whose external freedoms are highly restricted. Your freedom to be comes from within not from without. It's all about the internal dialogue with yourself which provides the tools to navigate around any external restrictions that may present. To be aware is to be self reliant.

Dedication to any art leads to perfection which in turn shortens the time and effort required of you. In terms of these works dedicating yourself to knowing yourself enhances your ability to address whatever comes your way. You are the way. Being 'the way' enables you to help others. It is the most powerful skill you can learn. You also come to know that by your own hand you can live the freedom that is your inalienable right.

Authoress:Carol Lorraine

Date: 8/6/22

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AnchorsCarol Lorraine