Healing Series - Being Stopped [7]

The subject matter of discordant energies is not widely discussed in 'drawing rooms' such that it is well time it is. I speak in this article about our individual experiences set against the background of living in an era where the spiritual war against humanity has intensified. A war being fought as between good and evil.

The good and evil debate has apparently been something most know about particularly those who have a religious background. I did not. Having recently acknowledged to myself that I have grown my strength suffice to stand up to this nonsense, I have been flooded with assistance from most high. One aspect of this assistance has been the discovery of a beautifully written summary of what is occurring on planet earth  — what has always been. We, meaning those of you reading this article know of course that good wins out  — God wins.

"Man is born from duality. He was given birth through the war between heaven and earth, between God and the one who aspires to steal God, to emulate Him, to become a false God. Man came on earth to bring balance to this fight. This is why he carries within him the two worlds of spirit and matter, of perfection and imperfection, of life and death. There is a fight within man for these two natures to face each other…" Olivier Manitara.

The particular experiences I wish to speak of concerns spiritual attacks at night. In my previous unawakened state of consciousness, I had no idea they were spiritual attacks. Given I could not name the experience I was unable to address what was occurring.

These malevolent energies are very uncomfortable yet very subtle. I have found it very hard to wake up  — to wake myself from sleep suffice to break free of the energies, even though one is not really sleeping. It's more like being in two worlds, a type of no-mans zone of not being awake and not being asleep. These icky energies are felt in my solar plexus. One has to utilise incredible will power to wake up suffice to actually get up. Movement frees me. Leaving the bedroom I find is key. Rarely, could I go back to sleep, the result of which the next day I feel shattered.  

I've had these episodes for around fifteen years or more. No amount of sageing, frankincense, fringe violet, juniper berries, lighted candles etc has completely stopped this interference. Yes, for short time frames these attacks lessoned. Invariably though when I experience a shift towards standing in the fullness of my being, I was met with more interference. This was a silent difficulty, given I did not know what was occurring. The few people I mentioned this issue to likewise knew not, such that I simply soldiered on.  

That is up till now. As my awareness of the subtle realms became stronger I noticed that these episodes had morphed into my days as well as my nights. Upon pondering this matter I realised that as I grew my personal strength, I was being stopped. 

The pivot point of being able to overcome this interference was my resolution to become highly proficient in addressing malevolent energies. Feeling absolutely fed up with this ongoing harassment I took a number of steps to remedy. In meditation it came to me to ask other spiritually aware women if they were similarly experiencing interfering energies hence this article. For it's nigh time we women are let be.

In our collectiveness when we resolve together our common challenges, we strengthen our individual core's  — one by one by one. We can overcome this malevolence from the dark and we must. We must not let ourselves be stopped from bringing our gifts into being for the want of not knowing how to address energies that are stopping us.  

I invite women who are likewise being affected to contact me referencing this article. 

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Healing Series

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Olivier Manitara  — PDF

HealingCarol Lorraine