Healing Series - Our Perceptions of Ourselves [3]

Our Lives Out Of The Perceptions We Have Of Ourselves. Whilst there is a general theme of not being valued carried through the ancestral continuum and reinforced through societies ways, each of us also carries a specific tone in ones life - a tone being ones sensitivities and thus ones gold.  

The perceptions we hold of ourselves is revealed in our experiences. The purpose of ‘The Living of Know Thy-Self’ articles is to strengthen your core through your discovering all the facets of your identities as revealed by your responses to your experiences. Discovering who you are in truth comes to you once you have peeled away all that does not serve you. Once you have identified and healed the misplaced beliefs, you provide yourself with the freedom to be who you really are. 

A note here that no matter how much work you do on yourself, you will have ‘sweepings’ where the same test comes up to see if you have really have overcome a particular area in need of addressing. One relatively recent experience for myself went like this. I found myself silent when a person assumed something of me that was not true and I did not speak up and correct the statement being made. Silence is acquiescence. Such that in that moment of silence I had discounted the value of myself by allowing another to say something about me that was untrue because I  ‘felt’ unable to counteract. 

The person was someone I respected. Was I comparing myself and finding myself wanting? Maybe. I was holding some belief about being lessor than. It’s a common trait in society that we tend to acquiesce to perceived authority when in fact your view matters equally. It’s a method of self disclaiming - something that has led to the world being such a mess.

The more important aspect of any experience is how I resolve my thoughts and feelings. And what I did about it. It was not a deep issue that required peeling away layers but more a ‘noting’ of my response. There were two aspects to this situation. My stand for my truth and wanting to correct another's impression. An impression that I had allowed to be created by staying silent when in verbal communication. 

Such that the next correspondence I wrote “We all have moments we stay silent in the face of another’s statement about us and I experienced one of those moments during our recent conversation”. I went on to say what my truth was. My advices were stated without rancour and received without rancour and we both went on to conclude our arrangements amicably.

It’s more difficult when we don’t answer in the moment for sometimes we only get that split second to put a misconception right. That’s the thing about ‘allowing lies’. You have be quick to own the truth when another assumes something which may be negative or for that matter positive about you, that you do not hold as true. It matters not which side of the coin. It matters more that the truth is owned. Besides, mistruths as they are called these days, tend to come back to haunt you.  

Did my belief relate to the ancestral continuum or was it a personal sensitivity? Whilst I think it was a personal sensitivity, the essence of both themes can be dispelled. In the first instance, one has to realise what is occurring in your life-stream and what life lessons are being presented to you for attention. It’s then up to you to take action or not. Will you draw a line as to what you will or will not accept?

Each of us carries particular sensitivities which I referred to as being your gold. What I mean here is that on the other side of your sensitivities, your inner wounds so to speak, are the gifts that arise from your integrating your learnings. When you do the self-work to resolve any particular issue you make yourself stronger. This is what developing a strong core is about. You overcome your sensitivities one by one. 

Over time you wake up to the realisation that you have claimed the power of women-hood. The ‘power to’ achieve what you want for your life by yourself. No permission needed from anyone. You have become a leader of self through changing your perception of yourself. You are unencumbered by the limitations you had previously placed upon yourself. Our perceptions of ourselves matter and you dear reader have the ability to heal perceptions that do not serve you thus freeing yourself from what keeps you small.  

Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine
If you have found this article helpful to your personal narrative and wish to share, please attribute your sharing by linking to the web site: https://www.carollorraine-knowthyself.org

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HealingCarol Lorraine