Healing Series - A Matter of Perspective [1]

The Word ‘Healing’ Has Come Back Into The Lexicon Of Everyday Language. We are seeing the re-emergence of the medicine women and the strengthening of the arts of herbalism, homeopathy, flower and crystal essences. These practices are generally engaged with by the awake and the aware. For they realise you are best served by ‘working with’ the body. Guided by common sense and intuition many are finding themselves on the return journey back to natures bounty; her intelligence. There are also multitudes of new healing practices along with the resurgence of methods that have lain fallow such as sound healing and colour healing. The oldest healing of all, the healing through source energy (Reiki) is part of the offerings of Know Thy-Self. There is much to heal at this time of planetary re-evolution. Healing along with forgiveness is the path and the way the ‘collective we’ will alter societies ways.

 Life is cyclical. We see this in nature and our personal live's ebb and flow. Likewise, countries experience ebbs and flows. So too does planet earth. With the planet undergoing unprecedented change, the texture of our lives is being unwoven. All that is untoward is coming into the light. There is no-where to hide anymore. As a result of transparency on a scale not seen before, we are witnessing a worldwide breakdown of systems - political, commercial, financial, cultural and societal, are all being called to account. Likewise our individual selves - our attitudes and behaviours are being mirrored back to us. We can no longer hide our ‘shadow’ selves. The only way out is in (1) - looking within and healing thyself.  

As we heal ‘self’ our vibration becomes lighter
such that our lightness of being ripples out to
wider humanity.
— Carol Lorraine

In conjunction with the rise in planetary consciousness we are seeing the return of reverence for the Divine Feminine. She is re-establishing herself in the psyche of wo-men who are ready to re-claim and respect her. The beginning stages being those women who see the strength of who they really are. It will be WE WOMEN who will lead humanity through its next stage of evolution. Our feminine energies are much needed to balance the destruction wrought by the allowance of masculine energies to dominate our planet. Herein lays the importance of women actively seeking to heal their-selves. Heal their-selves from their collective past anchored in their ancestral continuum; a past that has seen them acquiesce and accept less for themselves, a past that has kept them small.  

Healing is a matter of perspective. The choice for you, dear reader is whether you embrace healing methods by way of a deliberate choice, or have healing methods determined for you by another and accepted without questioning "what else can I do?". In acute times we often act out of our past conditioning whereas I am inviting you to think differently. I am inviting you to re-discover the abundance of natural healing available. Distinguish between those who plant seeds empowering you to heal your-self, like Louise Hays works, (Heal Your Body, Heal Your Self) and those who determine what they see as best for you. Remember also in terms of say flower essences and Bach’s works, that it was the medicine women who were the planets original healers. 

Our personal evolution comes through our willingness to examine our perspectives and where necessary alter our point of view. No one can heal another. You have to want to heal and then be ready to heal. Sometimes your soul wants you to experience difficulty in all its different guises, so that you may work through a process of understanding yourself. Knowing thy-self can help you in so many different ways, if you allow yourself to be open to your own wisdom.

Date: November 26 2019

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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1 Stephanie South

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