Healing Series - Processing [4]

During These Time Of Unprecedented Change On Planet Earth There Is Much To Process. Processing is something each of us does in our own way. Knowing that you are doing so is helpful. 

Ascribing terminology to what is occurring in your life is valuable for it provides context. When we place situations into context we can more easily ‘see’ what is occurring. This results in making more deliberate choices as to how to navigate the particular situations we find ourselves in. 

Individually and collectively we are ‘processing’ the implications of rapid change that has seen the world being stopped and freedoms curtailed. Our senses are being impinged upon; our sense of fairness, our sense of reasonableness, and our sense of knowing that all is not what we thought it was. Our personal realities have been ripped asunder. ‘Processing’ what you are facing now will stand you in good stead to ride the waves of change ahead of us.

So what is processing? It’s a period during which your unconscious mind is assimilating data. Your role is to provide restful time to assimilate situations that provoke an emotional response. You can assist yourself by having a methodology particular to you that helps you integrate or come to terms with the situations where you feel unsettled.

When we provide ourselves with the gift of time we gradually reconcile within ourselves the truth of the matter that has given rise to feelings of dis-ease. Your subconscious mind can more easily bring forth realisations into your conscious mind. Our realisations enable us to accept and integrate our leanings and move forward. Remember also that accepting is not the same as agreeing. Just as forgiving others is not the same as condoning behaviours.

Until one is aware of methodologies of how to process ones distress, one defaults to past behaviours. These may include ruminating or blaming. Ruminating creates denseness in your energy field that makes you feel worse, and blaming gives your power away. Similarly, some keep on keeping on with a view of burying feelings that give rise to emotional tugs. Distraction as a way of being tends to be an ‘avoidance of processing’. When we are divorced from our inner world we may not know that there are practices of care that can support our wellbeing, rather than suppress it.

My way of processing is to temporarily withdraw my energies away from the day to day world and nurture myself through spending time on creative endeavours. By temporarily redirecting your focus away from the issue at hand, one finds that your mind tends to sieve through the information, distilling the salient issues from which actions that can be taken to alleviate the issue spring to mind. The taking of action, any action, frees you from the issue. It’s a remarkable how much lighter one feels when one makes a decision. Try it.

Once I have transitioned myself into a soothing space I journal what happened, how I felt about it and what action if known I could take. This is a form of acknowledgement. If writing is not something you do acknowledge any dis-ease by ‘naming’ out loud how you are feeling. Spoken works are in fact very powerful. Naming thus facilitates the letting go of thoughts that otherwise may stay with us for days. Either of these methods assists one let go of dense energy (angst) that otherwise would be held in the body. Alternatively devise another way that suits who your are.  

We are feeling beings. Feelings are waves of energy generated by thoughts that arises from emotional triggers held in our personal narrative. These waves of energy pushed aside don’t go away. They are stored in your physicality so whilst it may appear that they are dealt with, the reality is that the cumulative affect of unprocessed feelings which by way of the nature of who you are, tend to be repetitious. are held in your physicality. Over time your dis-ease is made apparent and stops you in your tracks. Life makes you face what you have endeavoured to keep at bay.

The way to release feelings is to acknowledge them. Life is really very simple when we recognise we are more than a physical body and that our emotional and spiritual body need attention if we do not want the effects of unprocessed emotions to be reflected in dis-ease of the physical body. Besides deepening your spirituality results in a lightness of being as you release all that does not serve you.

Taking time out to consciously process these recent world events is something that can place you in good stead for the time to come as more unpalatable truths come to light. The world as played out in the larger stage has to go through a process of bringing the ugly into the light for you cannot tell people anything — they have to see if for their selves. The processing of the pain of our collective new found reality is what lays before us all. Naming the process that is processing and knowing how it can serve you is what this article seeks to convey. 

Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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HealingCarol Lorraine