Anchors Series - Our Etheric Fields [4]

Awareness Of Your Etheric Field Is Crucial To Your Wellbeing. Like so many treasures available to you, awareness of your ‘subtle bodies’ has been hidden from view. It’s time we brought the basic principles of life into the light.

Everything is energy, with our bodies surrounded by what is called ones etheric field; subtle layers of energy that surround your physicality. We have ‘five bodies’ with our etheric body also known as your aura(1) the closest to your physical body. These subtle worlds can play a significant part in our life experiences. Our apparent reality tells but a fraction of the story of our existence. The more you learn about who you are, the more you will realise this. Our energy fields and giving credence to them, matters — a great deal.

“What I thought was unreal now for me seems in some ways to be more real than what I think to be real which now seems to be unreal”…“The real trick is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery”. 

Dr Fred Wolf (2)

As your awareness of the reality that is the physical existence grows, so does your comprehension of what is affecting your disposition. Thus you are able to discern if what you are feeling is as a result of your thoughts and the energy you are giving them, or another’s. Sensing energy is what you do already. It can be likened to walking into a room and feeling an unease no matter any words of reassurance that all is good as gold. Like so many unseen influences that affect our lives, we know of them but have not given them due credence.

When you ‘naturally sense another’s energy field’ you feel the unspoken angst or intentions other people are carrying. Given my sensitivity to the subtle bodies of energy my disposition was often dampened as I took on other peoples energy as if they were my own. I did not question why I was feeling as I was, given I had no knowledge of the etheric fields and the effect they can have on ones wellbeing.

Highly sensitive beings are in fact empaths; they feel more deeply. The realisation that you are an empath places who you are in an entirely different context. A context of being able to manage your disposition and use your natural talents to manage your wellbeing. It’s a beautiful skill as you can discern the truth of situations. You naturally ‘read’ energy fields and distill the character of others. Not in an intrusive way but in terms of resonance with your natural disposition. You can thus navigate around those that do not serve you.  

Such that now I have a process to use when I become aware of any ‘dampening of my disposition’. I ‘feel into my body’ to ascertain the chakra that feels unsettled. Is as well to learn about your chakras; they are your energy centres with each chakra relating to different emotions. By identifying where in my body the feeling is most prevalent I can ascertain the underlying emotion that is resulting in my ‘apparent’ dis-ease. I then recollect the occurrences that I am processing or concerned about. This quickly identifies if the energy I am feeling is particular to me or another’s. If it is energy I am generating I acknowledge what I am feeling and then ‘clear’ my chakras. Like any decision or action, this immediately lightens one’s being.

If the feelings are not related to anything I can ascertain in that moment, I state out-loud ‘not mine return to sender’. Again in taking action one is clearing away the energy vibration and replacing the old energy with one of possibility. It lightens ones sense of self. Sometimes one realises later that the issue is yours however you deal with it. Energy can either enhance your well-being, dampen, it or alert you to something that needs your attention. Hence asking yourself ‘is this my energy I am feeling’, enables you to take practical action towards enhancing how you feel.

As you place greater attention on how energy is affecting your inner wellbeing you begin to deepen your relationship with yourself, by having a conversation with your inner self. And Yes those not on the spiritual path, those stuck in the dense energy of the third dimension sterile view of a human living disconnected from self and nature, might well think you are potty. This is of course is a reflection of societies ways and the taboo against knowing yourself. It’s how mainstream thinking dissuades you from the power within. You choose. Follow the nameless others or experience for yourself the benefits of knowing yourself on a deeper level.

Coming back to the conversation as between you and you. I have emphasised it for the purposes of crystallising in your thinking what in fact you are already doing. You are already having thoughts to do this or that are you not? You are already having conversations with yourself. Lets name it and be done with it. 

When you acknowledge and research for yourself the subtle bodies and in particular your etheric field, you begin to pay closer attention to your impressions when you go places or meet people. You discern why you like particular venues or people. Your answers are simply revealing to you if there is a match of energy or not. Play with this one. Use not as a form of judgement but for the purposes of alignment to the particulars of your wellbeing. The perfecting of this practice is another step towards developing trust in yourself.

The subtle world as Dr Fred Wolf, a physicist acknowledged, is a world of wonder and joy available to you when you acknowledge and give credence to the unseen. It’s ridiculous really given we give credence to electricity, wifi and sound waves, all of which are unseen. It’s conditioning of course away from your own efforts and towards seeking outside of yourself, for what you already have within. You are more powerful than you know. But it’s up to you to give credence to what you know and stop doubting yourself. 

Our loss as human beings is that we have been dissuaded from believing in the mysteries of the universe the result of which we have discounted ancient spiritual wisdoms. All those personal development courses you have attended pale in comparison to the learnings that you can have about yourself, learnings that become a constant companion, learnings that light up your path. What could be better than that?

Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2021  

Authoress: Carol Lorraine 

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1. Energy Medicine, Donna Eden

2. What the Bleep do you Know - Film 

AnchorsCarol Lorraine