Anchor Series - Bringing Awareness to Your Presence [6]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Presence where you notice yourself; when you observe yourself as if looking down from on high.
During these unprecedented end of times we are all having to live through, we are undergoing rigorous tests — tests of our endurance, tests of our fortitude and tests of our commitment to our source. It is not easy.
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Healing Series - Being Stopped [7]
Authoress; Carol Lorraine
The subject matter of discordant energies is not widely discussed in 'drawing rooms' such that it is well time it is. I speak in this article about our individual experiences set against the background of living in an era where the spiritual war against humanity has intensified.
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Anchors Series - Naming [5]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Solving persistent issues in our life is the prelude to anchoring ourselves fully into our body temple. When we are anchored we are fully present. Being fully present means we are aware of the physical world and the subtle worlds, and thus can navigate around what is presenting. Anchoring and being fully present go hand in hand.
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Personal Psychology Series - My Mistake [6]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
I Keep On Making The Same Mistake - Over And Over Again. The mistake of thinking that another won’t make the same mistake. Life she's a bundle of joy — not. It’s my issue of course, trusting, assuming, not maintaining awareness and being blind to the obvious. Can one never relax in this life?
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Healing Series - Reiki Healing [6]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
A conversation with my sister who has a degree in counselling brought to my attention that I had not given credence to the training and abilities of energy healers. To her question "how much training is involved in learning Reiki " I replied "a day for each level". This in contrast to her four years of academic study.
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Personal Psychology Series - High Horse & Purity [5]
Authoress Carol Lorraine
Often Our Behaviours And The Stances We Take Are Habitual. Reacting rather than responding has been a tendency of mine. Having largely overcome — for one can never say one has perfected life's trials, the difference factor is that my pondering’s result in a speedy resolution as between me and me. I don’t stew as I once did. I see what is occurring and why.
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Credo Series - Deliberate Decision Making [5]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Living Deliberately Comes To The Fore When Purchasing Decisions Are Required, particularly significant purchases yet its as well to keep your wits about you for choices around those small engagements. We are still in the transitioning phase where we are gradually letting go of the way of how we previously made choices, and learning to make choices based on our discernment. It’s a tricky ‘out there’ presently. For nothing is as it seems as we close out the old ways and live into the new earth.
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Healing Series - Healing Modalities of the New Earth [5]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Those walking the path of Knowing thyself assume personal responsibility. As a person practicing sovereignty over self, knowing how to take care of my physical wellbeing is of vital importance, particularly in an age where much is manufactured.
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Life @ Work Series - Informal Power in the Workplace [5]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Life@Work requires your active participation. It is where we are called to do more and be more. Living as we are into the new earth known as the golden age requires a change in disposition, a new attitude if you will. The foremost change is the living into your personal sovereignty. You are now being called to step up and lead from a place of integrity, given those with formal power have in many cases proven themselves unworthy. Similar to feminine wisdom in the work place, its a matter of being the change. And managing upwards, those whose values have fallen into decline.
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Credo Series - Respect for One and Other [4]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Where does respect for self and another begin and which comes first? Do we have to respect ourselves before we can respect another? Or can we afford respect to others but not to ourselves? What is the simplest form of respect that we can afford to another? Is it listening to another? Is it taking on board what concerns another as if it was a matter of importance to you personally, as in the case of coupledom? Is it keeping your word? Or is it showing up on time?
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Life @ Work Series - Riding The Waves of Change [4]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
The extent to which we know ourselves will determine how we ride the waves of change. Never before has clarity about who you are and what you stand for, been as important as it is now. For it seems to me that your Life@Work has now become a matter of life itself.
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Personal Psychology Series - Heart Coherence [4]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Heart Coherence Denotes Our Essence As Humans Being On Planet Earth. We are here to love and be loved yet that essential knowing has been lost. The disconnect of ourselves from our hearts is similar to our disconnect from nature such that we know not what lays within and around us. We have forgotten who we are and in doing so our ability to create. The ability to create and recreate is remarkable, the more so because we can change in an instant our view of our world, no matter the turmoil that seeks to dominate our existence.
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Healing Series - Processing [4]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
During These Time Of Unprecedented Change On Planet Earth There Is Much To Process. Processing is something each of us does in our own way. Knowing that you are doing so is helpful.
Ascribing terminology to what is occurring in your life is valuable for it provides context. When we place situations into context we can more easily ‘see’ what is occurring. This results in making more deliberate choices as to how to navigate the particular situations we find ourselves in.
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Anchors Series - Our Etheric Fields [4]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Awareness Of Your Etheric Field Is Crucial To Your Wellbeing. Like so many treasures available to you, awareness of your ‘subtle bodies’ has been hidden from view. It’s time we brought the basic principles of life into the light.
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Life @ Work Series - Feminine Wisdom In The Workplace [3]
Authoress Carol Lorraine
There is no We Women until I the Woman is willing to stand up and speak for herself. Feminine wisdom in the workplace awaits those who are in the workplace to speak their truth and stop following systems that diminish the essence of who you are. Think, before you to become robotic. and immune to humanity of the people you engage with. This requires courage; the courage to honour your feminine selves.
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Credo Series - Our Personal Truths Matter [3]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
The way to discover your truths is to articulate what you think. When you voice your truths you realise what you care about, and through knowing what you care about you come to understand yourself at a deeper level. When we delve deeper into our personal truths we come to see that 'our truth' is our offering to humanity. Humanity needs your truths.
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Healing Series - Our Perceptions of Ourselves [3]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
The perceptions we hold of ourselves is revealed in our experiences. The purpose of ‘The Living of Know Thy-Self’ articles is to strengthen your core through your discovering all the facets of your identities as revealed by your responses to your experiences. Discovering who you are in truth comes to you once you have peeled away all that does not serve you. Once you have identified and healed the misplaced beliefs, you provide yourself with the freedom to be who you really are.
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Anchors Series - Rituals a Way to Create [3]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Lost From Our Living Memory Is The Art And Beauty Of Ritual. Just as we have become separated from nature and increasingly people, our separation from ritual has not served our greater good. We have unwittingly forgone the support of natures intelligence losing touch with the mysteries of the universe the unseen but ever present energy that comprises all that is. Yet its a natural process the forgetting thereof, and there comes a time when absence makes the heart grow fonder.
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Personal Psychology Series - Apologising [3]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Apologising Is But One Of Many Propensities We Women Have Innocuously Taken On, Steeped As It Is Into A Women’s Psyche. Similar to doubt, apologising is ‘imprinted on our collective memory’. It seems to me that women have been apologising for our existence since time began. These beliefs about ourselves as who we are as women are deeply ingrained. It is time we changed them.
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Life @ Work Series - Bringing About Change [2]
Authoress: Carol Lorraine
Life@Work …Once you change the ‘idea’ that you can bring about change as Charlie did, you move from feelings of disempowerment to feelings of empowerment. Your renewed interest creates a momentum of its own. Think about this. Think of the times you have felt invigorated and how in your invigorated state of being, you felt alive with a sense of possibility.
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