Posts in Personal Psychology
Personal Psychology Series - My Mistake [6]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

I Keep On Making The Same Mistake - Over And Over Again. The mistake of thinking that another won’t make the same mistake. Life she's a bundle of joy — not. It’s my issue of course, trusting, assuming, not maintaining awareness and being blind to the obvious. Can one never relax in this life?

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Personal Psychology Series - High Horse & Purity [5]

Authoress Carol Lorraine

Often Our Behaviours And The Stances We Take Are Habitual. Reacting rather than responding has been a tendency of mine. Having largely overcome — for one can never say one has perfected life's trials, the difference factor is that my pondering’s result in a speedy resolution as between me and me. I don’t stew as I once did. I see what is occurring and why.

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Personal Psychology Series - Heart Coherence [4]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Heart Coherence Denotes Our Essence As Humans Being On Planet Earth. We are here to love and be loved yet that essential knowing has been lost. The disconnect of ourselves from our hearts is similar to our disconnect from nature such that we know not what lays within and around us. We have forgotten who we are and in doing so our ability to create. The ability to create and recreate is remarkable, the more so because we can change in an instant our view of our world, no matter the turmoil that seeks to dominate our existence.

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Personal Psychology Series - Apologising [3]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Apologising Is But One Of Many Propensities We Women Have Innocuously Taken On, Steeped As It Is Into A Women’s Psyche. Similar to doubt, apologising is ‘imprinted on our collective memory’. It seems to me that women have been apologising for our existence since time began. These beliefs about ourselves as who we are as women are deeply ingrained. It is time we changed them.

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Personal Psychology Series - Understanding Our Personal Psychology [2]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

The Desire To Understand Our Personal Psychology Is Usually Activated By A Personal Challenge. Suffering it seems is the only sure way for the soul to get our attention and make us, yes make us address what needs to be dealt with in our personal lives. If we don’t listen to the little messages, then it is likely we will be stopped short by some aspect of our physicality or an interpersonal challenge that makes a dominant impact in our lives.

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Personal Psychology Series - Our Personal Psychology [1]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

The First Inkings Of Desire To Understand Our Personal Psychology indicate a significant point in our lives has been reached. We are being prompted to explore the relationship as between self and self. The timing of these nudges is varied. I have lived through quite a few nudges. To my chagrin, I found that having reached my fifties thinking I had it sorted, I found that one comes up against the biggest nudge of all…

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