Posts in Credo
Credo Series - Deliberate Decision Making [5]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Living Deliberately Comes To The Fore When Purchasing Decisions Are Required, particularly significant purchases yet its as well to keep your wits about you for choices around those small engagements. We are still in the transitioning phase where we are gradually letting go of the way of how we previously made choices, and learning to make choices based on our discernment. It’s a tricky ‘out there’ presently. For nothing is as it seems as we close out the old ways and live into the new earth.

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CredoCarol Lorraine
Credo Series - Respect for One and Other [4]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Where does respect for self and another begin and which comes first? Do we have to respect ourselves before we can respect another? Or can we afford respect to others but not to ourselves? What is the simplest form of respect that we can afford to another? Is it listening to another? Is it taking on board what concerns another as if it was a matter of importance to you personally, as in the case of coupledom? Is it keeping your word? Or is it showing up on time?

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CredoCarol Lorraine
Credo Series - Our Personal Truths Matter [3]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

The way to discover your truths is to articulate what you think. When you voice your truths you realise what you care about, and through knowing what you care about you come to understand yourself at a deeper level. When we delve deeper into our personal truths we come to see that 'our truth' is our offering to humanity. Humanity needs your truths.

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Credo Series - Waking up to your Truth [2]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Truth - What Is It? How Do I Know What Is True For Me? How do I distinguish between my truth and another’s? When you ask these questions of yourself you are at the beginning of your journey back to self. Yes, all that self development to date has been prepping you for this moment. You have reached an important juncture - the juncture where you are being invited to learn about ‘discernment’. Discernment is where one pauses and considers what you read and hear, where you question the interrelation of words and deeds or how the ‘latest’ meme serves you. In short you consider more and in doing so you develop a discerning eye. You do not automatically ‘believe’ and you certainly do not repeat verbatim. Instead you ponder. 

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Credo Series - Your Credo - Words to Live By [1]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

A Credo Defines Your Perspective Of The World In Terms Of Your Personal Values, What You Believe In, And By Association What You Stand For. Similar to listening to your intuition, your Credo guides you towards making choices that serve you. Credos' reflect how you engage with yourself and others. They also provide inspiration for how you want to be. By way of example my current theme of choice, is observing how well I listen…

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