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These writings detail the particulars of the-feminine and societies influences thereof, whereby society is a reflection of how she views herself. They serve as a living library of the transcendence of the feminine from what she was, to what she is becoming; and will become.

Postings on the last Wednesday of the quarter.

All Writings

A Crones View

A Crones View: Noticing the ways in which ‘society’ (society being the nameless few) conditions women to accept the diminishment of the feminine. One has to ‘notice’ what is occurring before one can make decisions about what you will or will not accept — be that in one’s personal life or in the wider public arena.

Keeper of The-Feminine

As Keeper of The-Feminine, I am heralding the re-birthing of the-feminine and her transcendence into the Divine Feminine. These writings recognise the loss of the-culture of the-feminine and the importance of reclaiming our feminine selves.

KTS Philosophies

Know ThySelf Philosophy writings enumerate the credo of these works.