KTS Philosophies - Being Curious [2]

If You Wish to be Curious – be Curious Mostly About Yourself is the core guiding principal of the works of Know Thy-Self. You are in observing this maxim, encouraged to redirect your attention from the external world towards your internal world. For your inner world is what matters most – your feelings in response to situations, your thoughts and your ideas, rather than being caught up in the words and deeds of others.  

The maxim “if you wish to be curious, be curious mostly about yourself,” can be distilled into one word – Identity. Who are you at heart and what do you stand for? The family continuum, culture, perceived societal norms filtered through the lens of the media, are shaping you in accordance with what another wants. Left unchecked, these collective influences dilute the essence of your being and thus affect all you are capable of becoming. 

A simple method of determining the strength of your identity, the person who you are currently being and thus can change if you choose to, is to consider which ‘mind’ dominates your current daily experience of yourself.

“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.”*

Which ‘mind’ are you are currently being? My stand for you is that you first stand for yourself – hence the question which ‘mind’ are you currently being? Own your answer. Ask of yourself are you truly satisfied with the mind you are currently being? 

Change begins in the moment you voice your intention to know yourself by being curious about your inner world. Distractions that once flooded your life become superfluous as you redirect your attention to matters of substance. As you begin to live more deliberately, your responses alter. You become more discerning in all areas of your life. 

The embodiment of all you have to offer simply awaits your permission to be involved in your life and stop being a bystander. It is how you begin to take responsibility for your personal experiences. It results in a powerful change in personal disposition as you take charge of your life instead of allowing life to be in charge of you.  

Being curious about yourself is about reclaiming your life by establishing the terms of your existence. You set the perimeters and the direction with a view to focussing on what matters most. Whilst challenging, the work is profound and enduring. The richness of your inner world far surpasses the playground of the distracted where depth and breadth feature sporadically at best, before the next new things take your fancy. Being curious about yourself provides a pathway towards reclaiming your identity – your unique and powerful self. 

My stand for you,

Is for you

to first stand for yourself.

This is what living an empowered life is about.

Carol Lorraine

Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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*Eleanor Roosevelt