Keeper of The-Feminine | Reclaiming Our Feminine Selves [4]

The Works Of Know Thy-Self Are Anchored In The Premise Of Reclaiming Our Feminine Selves. For many this statement has no meaning, such is the disconnect with the value of the feminine and the vital balance The-Feminine brings to wo-man-kind. Reclaiming our feminine selves is about the rediscovery of the value inherent in the feminine. It is about discovering the truth of who we are. For we are not the stories we have been told since Eve. We women are tremendously powerful beings, which is the reason we have been excluded from participating fully in our own lives and the lives of others.

Reclaiming your feminine selves begins with being curious about discovering your feminine-being and why she has been hidden from view. This exploration is personal to you and what interests you. I began looking at the wisdoms of old, thereafter discovering her-stories. And then I pondered. I pondered upon why so much effort is placed upon disparaging the feminine. The threads of society’s ways are many and contradictory, yet over time I began to see more clearly how the absence of the feminine affected humanity. The feminine gives expression to our life force; our spirit, the desire to share and to love. I realised that the diminishment of the feminine, a constant theme of societies for eons, was by design. Our inherent traits, more noticeably our empathy and compassion along with our ‘hidden’ natural abilities, are incompatible with the objectives of those who seek to exert power-over.  

The results of the absence of the feminine surround us. We are witnessing the culmination of an ideology of power-over. With the diminishment of the feminine her natural ‘sense’ of what is right has been silenced. We are living in a harsher world. As humanity we are but a shadow of our former selves. There is less regard for the preciousness of human-beings. The divide and rule tactics that served to exclude the feminine, and divide the feminine and masculine, have been extended to divide all of us from one another. The need to reunite with self and nature has never been greater.

She begins by choosing to spend time with herself. She creates space to meet the person she knows not; that deeper aspect of her-self pushed aside for oh so long. In creating space for silence she reflects upon who she is being. She cries and feels the relief of being heard as between her and her-self. Over time as she seeks more of her-self, the echoes of the past become louder. She remembers the medicine women collecting plants to heal, and comes to see that her emotions are inner wounds in need of healing. She discovers another ally, flower essences. She realises that nature’s intelligence has been disregarded, as she has been. Her realisations deepen. She becomes more accepting of her-self re-perceiving her human experience in light of what she is becoming.  

By connecting more deeply with the core of her being, she acts upon her intuition. She realises that her intuition is her personal guidance system; it has been patiently awaiting her acknowledgment of her-self as she is, not what others might suggest she be. She places trust in her-self and finds that her way is what she needs, just as another’s way serves their needs. As her awareness of self grows, so too does her confidence.

As a seeker of the truth of who she is, she begins to remember more. She remembers her relationship with the mysteries of mother earth and the cosmos. She remembers we are divinely guided when we allow ourselves to connect with source, such is the beauty of our inner world. She remembers her role as mother to self, nurturer of others. She remembers that mother earth provides sustenance to self and thereafter to others. She remembers she is a ‘keeper of the wisdoms’, the birther of life; a creator being. 

She becomes mistress of self, not subject to the whims of the outside world. She forges a new way of being, becoming an observer of self, taking a peripheral view of what occurs around her; aware but not involved in the distractions and the games people play. In providing her own sustenance she has no need for approval, with this ‘knowing’ her greatest ally. She speaks her truth quietly and clearly. In speaking her truth tears sometimes arise; they express yet a deeper truth. She accepts her vulnerability; it is an aspect of her authentic self, as is her ability to draw power-to. Her awareness of the depth and breadth of her inherent feminine attributes deepens.

”Authenticity gives rise to the ability to draw power-to you.”

Carol Lorraine

The feminine woman is one who has ‘been tested’, as all those who face themselves are tested. During their search for self they have unpacked their facades; the layers of self that were constructed in order to conform to a false narrative dictated by society; a society of the few who care not for our feminine power. She took on the challenge of overcoming self, embarking upon the heroine’s journey, thereafter finding her-self on the other side of the chasm; a chasm we all cross when we are determined to discover our essence.  

Reclaiming your feminine selves is not for the faint-hearted. Perseverance, tenacity, the willingness to endure, all traits we have developed while being side-lined, are drawn upon. Yet support for the feminine has never been greater. Planet earth is ascending and so are its inhabitants. Mother earth has spoken with the divine feminine, supported by the divine masculine heeding her call. We-women are poised to stand in our feminine power; the power of drawing-to. The dominant ways of power-over are fading, for in ascending we realise that our personal sovereignty cannot be impinged upon by another — unless we acquiesce by placing a higher value on another’s words than our own. Our personal authority surpasses all. 

“Reclaiming our feminine selves involves re-perceiving your-self

 in light of what you are learning about your-self, 

thereafter by your own hand, what you are becoming.“

Carol Lorraine

Having reclaimed her ‘feminine selves’ her reality has changed. She has discovered a remarkable suite of skills and abilities that have been by her side all along; her other selves hidden from view. She now ‘knows’, for knowing is more powerful than knowledge. Knowing is honouring the lead of her soul. She knows it is the feminine-women, the women who having discovered their authentic selves, that are rebirthing our planet. Her-story of inclusiveness takes precedence over his-story of separateness. She knows how vital the feminine energies are for stabilising the planet and her peoples. She knows that compassion, empathy, forgiveness and unconditional love are vital components of the new earth. Instead of denying, she now takes pride in her feminine attributes. She stands poised to serve, for she knows her time has come. 

Date: Friday, 13 August, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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