Keeper of The-Feminine| - Language, Imagery & Societies Ways [2]

Language invokes imagery. Likewise imagery invokes language. From language and imagery our perceptions of the world are created. We tend to take as a given what we are conditioned to believe through these dual arts. They are a dominant presence in our lives. But what if 'societies' language and imagery are all lies? What if language and imagery are used as a means to diminish the value of women?

What if language and imagery are a means to convey a one world view by the patriarchal? A view that in order for men to feel superior and in control, they must diminish women. Given the increasing use of perverse language about women and imagery depicting women as lessor than, it seems that the ego's of many patriarchs is under severe threat. And so it is. For up till now women en masse have given away their feminine selves and accepted tokenism.  

Experience is our greatest teacher and wakes us up to seeing more clearly what is occurring around us. The precursor here is that we need to 'name' what we see. My reminder, as if I needed reminding was an embellishment on a Rhubarb plant. The label had an image of a woman’s leg clad in fishnet stocking and the words ‘Ruby Tart’. As long as WE Women are compliant and take no stance either privately or publicly around imagery and language detrimental to women, then ingrained patterns of patriarchal behaviours continue, thereby ‘infecting’ societies ways. Thus the attitudes that belittle women, attitudes that treat women as a commodity to be used are perpetuated generation after generation. 

A potent example of how everyday language ‘blames’ women for their mere existence is highlighted in Julia Penelope’s research on the cognitive structure of language. I discovered Julia’s work through a bloke actually. A Teds Talk titled “Violence Against Women – it’s a men’s issue” by Jackson Katz. I quote: 

Take this very simple sentence and note where is begins and ends.

John beat Mary
Mary was beaten by John – the focus has shifted from John to Mary.

Mary was beaten — it’s all about Mary 

Mary was battered 

Mary is a battered woman. 

The last sentence demonstrates clearly, what we often see in the media. The cognitive structure of the sentence has been set up to blame women. Asking questions about Mary won’t deal with Johns behaviour. End of quote.

Let's re-read the last statement. Asking questions about Mary, WON’T DEAL with JOHNS BEHAVIOUR. 

A more recent example of language and imagery and one I have touched upon before concerns a large billboard with an image of a beautiful young women. She had consented however, to partake in an advertising campaign that demeans women. For emblazoned across the tee shirt she wore were the words 'Trade Me'. This particular billboard was seen by many but how many 'got' the message. A nine year old girl did for she asked a question. "Grandma can I trade you?". Grandma replied, "Would you want to?".  Trade Me is but one example seen about town, if you are awake enough to be aware of societies ways.

So what are we seeing here? And why does it matter? It matters because the diminishment of women has led to the diminishment of societies heartbeat and with it Gaia. Societies governors are adept at double speak. They have no respect for the living, no regard for ethics, uphold no values and use language and imagery to belittle all that was once cherished. And will be cherished once again. 

BUT. First we need to notice and question language and imagery and societies subtle ways. Then we need to care enough to care. Those that care need to grow their strength, but not through other peoples knowledge. For one grows their strength through their knowing born from their experiences, observing their selves and healing their particular sensitivities. Knowing is infinitely stronger than knowledge.  

When there is knowing there is a particular resoluteness of being that brooks no argument. We give voice to our knowing for we are not dissuaded by language and imagery that seeks to tell a story that serves another’s view. 

Our voices are only as strong as our knowing. Our actions gain momentum through our knowing. Our knowing is powerful because it's authentic. 

Authenticity can be read. As one reads a book, one reads an energy field. The energy field does not lie. It represents your truth.

When women seek to take command of their lives, their inner world is reflected in the outer world. In our collectiveness the Divine Feminine will correct societies imbalances. The support of the Divine Masculine is a given.

Now is our time. It's yours for the choosing. What say you? Will you stand up for yourself. Will you redress the imbalances of Language, Imagery & Societies Ways?

My stand for you

 Is for you 

to first stand for yourself.

This is what living an

empowered life is about.

Carol Lorraine

Date: Wednesday, November 25,2020

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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