A Crones View - No More Taming of the Shrews [3]

I Found Myself Shrewing Recently. In Todays Terms One Might Say "I Had Words". Words about things not being done. I was cross. And yes this is my issue and I need not make it another. I was interested though in the response to my being cross about things not being done. It was "oh yes women will rule the world". I stopped short and replied. “NO - we women will sort out the issues of the world and get things done”.

As I reflected upon my shrewing, it occurred to me what shrewing was actually about. And it's not about the generally accepted principle that denotes shrewing as complaining; specifically spoken in a derogatory sense about women. She's a shrew is a term that women have been saddled with since time begun. In actuality women, the all knowing and all seeing women, are simply naming the truth. And given many cannot face being called to account, the deflection modus operandi is to disparage the truth teller. Sound familiar? Shrewing is shut-up every which way one looks today, particularly when calling to account those funded by the public purse. Some things don't change — they just take on different guises.

So no more taming of the shrews. For I the-woman can choose not to repeat the patterns held deep in our ancestral continuum. I the awakened woman in finally recognising that when we shrew we give our power away, now simply acts, wasting not her precious words of wisdom on those whose values differ so markedly. I now extract myself from situations that do not serve me and make more deliberate choices as to who to engage with.

I the woman, has recognised her inherent wisdom and plays no more in the shrewing sandpit. I no longer need to tolerate the follies of the foils that began eons ago. I have finally woken up to the power of The-Feminine. I am stepping into a future where the belittling of women is no more. We women are waking up to a new dawn, a dawn whereby the spiritually aware women are leading the re-birthing of societies. Societies where our words matter because we maketh them so.

There is no WE Women,
until I the Woman, 
is willing to stand up 
and speak for herself.
Our time has come.
— Carol Lorraine

Date: Wednesday, 27 January, 2021

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

If you have found this article helpful to your personal narrative and wish to share please attribute your sharing by linking the web site https://carollorraine-knowthyself.org

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  1. “Shakespeare’s the Taming of the Shrew is filled with characters who fit and don’t fit traditional gender roles particularly the Elizabethan ideal of male as dominant and the female as submissive. Katherine refuses to enter the fictional space that Petruchio has constructed, she holds onto her experience of reality in the face of his presentation of it.”

  2. This is a partial transcript from article written on April 24 2020 by Essay Writer. The actual author/ authoress name is not stated. https://literaturessaysamples.com/about-shakespeares-play-the-taming-of-the-shrew/