A Crones View - It's Your Life - Live It [2]

Catching Up With Friends Recently I Shared My View Of How I Saw These Exponential Times Unfolding. I asked another for their views and was rewarded for my question with their sharing of what they see and more importantly what they would like to bring into being - a healing centre. Healing will be the centrepiece of individuals and societies in the time to come. Readers will be aware that transparency is being shown to us all presently, with this transparency unveiling the truth of who we are and the situations we are living through. Each of us are being called to account for our behaviours with many 'beings' called to account for their behaviours directed towards society en masse. There is much in need of healing. In this the year 2020, human beings will be faced with many truths that they will recoil from. Just as they, we, you, me find it difficult at times to face our personal selves, our 'society selves'; that which each of us in our acquiescence has allowed to form, will be more than a tad difficult to face - it will be a brutal awakening. Not a nice word 'brutal' but then if you think about it, humanity has been treated brutally for eons. 

Transparency leads to accountability which leads to higher levels of responsibility. Being responsible and personal responsibility is essentially caring enough to care for oneself and others, and doing what is right. Caring about yourself is caring enough to discover who you are and value who you are.Having discovered what you care about you can then care about others in the way that is important to you. Not my way, not your families way, and particularly not societies ways. Your way because your way matters. We will all be learning alot more about responsibility. Taking responsibility for our lives is essential to rebuilding societies that value accountability and ethics.  

And what of laziness? It's a time of being in the wilderness. It's only deficit is not climbing out of lazy behaviour. For short period of time doing nothing is beneficial. This period of enforced quarantine, lockdown, martial medical law call it what you like, is an opportunity to connect with self and reconsider how you are living your life. Be lazy. You deserve it. It's a gift if you keep away from the fear that is driven by those who do not have your best interests at heart.

Responsibility when lacking, can be about a feeling of the inability to make ones voice matter and thus a feeling of disempowerment. This is reflected back at you as evidenced by what occurs around you. The key is your observation of what occurs as a result of your voicing your requirements or failing to voice what you think.

A particular situation came to my view recently which highlighted what disempowerment can look like. Following in the footsteps of her mother, the granddaughter 'directed actions on behalf of the grandmother' resulting in the granddaughter determining the grandmothers life as if it was her own. Think of it this way. You get a new phone and there is an option to have facial ID which you have declined given the control society that is dominating human behaviour. The granddaughter picks up the grandmothers phone and immediately takes a picture of her and uploads the facial ID. Thus a fifteen year old is determining the life this crone was about to live into.

There is no WE Women,
until I the Woman
is willing to stand up and speak for herself.
— Carol Lorraine

The responsibility for what occurred is with the grandmother who has yet to realise that her choices matter and more importantly makes them matter. What is even more pertinent is that stuff happens. It's our observations and then reflections of what occurs in our lives that enables you to make different choices. Each of us has particular experiences because each of us has different things we are here to learn in this lifetime. Such that what I observed is not for the purpose of making a judgement. I am sharing the Living of Know ThySelf and how you can utilise your experiences to learn and grow. Your substance is a result of the sustenance you provide to yourself. Observation and reflection of your behaviours and making a decision to act differently in the future are a form of giving yourself sustenance.

And yes I too have lived through periods of not having a view and listening more to others than myself. It is a rites of passage we all go through and continues throughout our lives. Its up to us individually to call ourselves to account. Sometimes my realisations of slipping back to learnt behaviours come quickly, sometimes a few days before the aha moment. Working with myself I am coming to appreciate that I can enhance the experience of my life if I choose to do so. Overtime one comes to see the there is a vast fabric of life that was previously unseen - a fabric that is supportive of your wellbeing.

It's Your Life Live It. Taking responsibility for our lives is to make our lives matter. To not live at the whim of another or live through another or abdicate your responsibility to self because you are 'not sure'. Turn the thinking around on the latter. Make a decision to enact something new, enact it and then review the effect of your new behaviour. One can always make another decision. 

So dear reader why do I see my observation of another as being significant enough to write upon. It's because its time to step up and take responsibility for your life. Planet earth has changed exponentially and so to have you. The hallmarks of emerging leaders will not be the wearing of a suit, academic qualifications, formal positions, or previous 'power over'. It will not be the level of personal assets, it will not be ones popularity or associations with the aforementioned. Those times are gone. In this time called the Great Awakening it is those who are the grass roots of society who see what is needed and take it upon them selves to act, who ARE the real leaders. As We Know, to lead others one must first lead one self. Taking back control of your life as only you can, by looking at how you view personal responsibility is as good as start as any.  

Date: April 8, 2020

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

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