Posts tagged A Crones View
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Throughout history there have always been occasions when one simply withdraws. We women have experienced this many a time. Such a time presents itself to me now. It is a shame that my decision to withdraw occurred prior to the Day of The — Feminine — Imbolc* August 1, 2022. Yet like many a zen story, what appears to be so is not always the case. Silver linings are often revealed in hindsight…

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A Crones View - Knowing The Path - Walking the Path [4]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

The Transition As Between Knowing The Path And Walking The Path Is A Shift That Is Sensed Rather Than Any Particular Milestone Being Met. It is an important juncture. The ‘knowing path’ is a long and winding road. It’s challenging overcoming self and at times it will be all absorbing. Facing self involves the processing of emotional pain requiring both time and time alone.

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A Crones View - No More Taming of the Shrews [3]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

She's a shrew is a term that women have been saddled with since time begun. In actuality women, the all knowing and all seeing women, are simply naming the truth. And given many cannot face being called to account, the deflection modus operandi is to disparage the truth teller. Sound familiar? Shrewing is shut-up every which way one looks today, particularly when calling to account those funded by the public purse. Some things don't change — they just take on different guises.

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A Crones View - It's Your Life - Live It [2]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

It's Your Life Live It. Taking responsibility for our lives is to make our lives matter. To not live at the whim of another or live through another or abdicate your responsibility to self because you are 'not sure'. Turn the thinking around on the latter. Make a decision to enact something new, enact it and then review the effect of your new behaviour. One can always make another decision.

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A Crones View - In Defence of the Handbag [1]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Why can’t a woman be more like a man? Like the lost arts of conversation, manners, etiquette, and reverence for the feminine, the place of the handbag appears to be an unwelcome intrusion in current day life. Yet, despite the Henry Higgins of the world, what has not changed is that women do not want to be more like a man.

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Guest UserA Crones View