Posts tagged Keeper of The-Feminine
Keeper of The-Feminine | Reclaiming Our Feminine Selves [4]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Reclaiming your feminine selves begins with being curious about discovering your feminine-being and why she has been hidden from view. This exploration is personal to you and what interests you. I began looking at the wisdoms of old, thereafter discovering her-stories. And then I pondered. I pondered upon why so much effort is placed upon disparaging the feminine. The threads of society’s ways are many and contradictory, yet over time I began to see more clearly how the absence of the feminine affected humanity. The feminine gives expression to our life force; our spirit, the desire to share and to love. I realised that the diminishment of the feminine, a constant theme of societies for eons, was by design. Our inherent traits, more noticeably our empathy and compassion along with our ‘hidden’ natural abilities, are incompatible with the objectives of those who seek to exert power-over.

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Keeper of The-Feminine| - Language, Imagery & Societies Ways [2]

Authoress: Carol Lorraine

Language invokes imagery. Likewise imagery invokes language. From language and imagery our perceptions of the world are created. We tend to take as a given what we are conditioned to believe through these dual arts. They are a dominant presence in our lives. But what if 'societies' language and imagery are all lies? What if language and imagery are used as a means to diminish the value of women?

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