Media Resources #2

Dear Readers

The philosophies that underpin my works are outlined in the Writings section KTS Philosophies. I restate below for the purposes of encouraging readers to formulate their own views. Accepting without questioning is non de jure. Defining your views on any subject is how you develop clarity as to what you stand for. Let your perspectives matter to you and another's to them. The important factor is to have your own perspective and know why you believe what you do.

Readers in the Media

Alain de Botton book 'The News'  — a users manual, canvasses the newspaper headlines in one newspaper on one day. The philosopher poet is effectively calling to account the shallowness of the old media and the fact that no user manual is required, given their is little of substance to understand. In contrast the The New Media as journalists, engage in intelligent discourse, conversing with their readers from a place of equanimity. They present perspectives, disagree and or agree as they see fit, but they do so in a way that honours another perspective, not decrying it. As they honour others so to will they be honoured, for they will come to seen as the leaders of New Media.  


My philosophies encapsulate what resonates as true to me. My truth is but one truth; 

one of many truth. Thus, I say to you, as my Guest ... 

“Do not believe in anything just because it seems probable. 

Do not believe in the fantasies and visions 

which you consider to be given by God. 

Believe nothing just because the authority of a teacher or priest stands behind it. 

Believe in that which you have perceived to be right

 through a lengthy examination of your own,

 in that which lets itself be reconciled with your own good and that of others.” 

Gautama Buddha