Keeper of The-Feminine | Goddess Day

Today is Goddess Day*  — Friday 13th. The wisdoms of old are re-surfacing. And so is the truth of who we are as women. Goddess and God. God needs the Goddess. 

We reclaim our feminine selves when we claim our rightful existence. To claim is to take back. In taking back you are declaring your commitment to source; your source. You commit to serving your highest power.  

Similar to churches supplanting the memory of the sacred with the profane* so to has Goddess Day been made profane under the auspices of superstition. As was the beautiful Goddess ISIS made profane; she too was made a symbol of fear. 

Can you see the pattern?  

In Service to The-Feminine | 

as Keeper of The-Feminine

Carol Lorraine.

Keeper of The-Feminine| Message #4 Goddess Day Friday 13th ( May) 2022

Release Date: Friday 13th (May) 2022

Copywrite @ 2022

*Known to those who claim their feminine selves