A Few Words on the Stopping of the World


Hello. I am writing this on May 1st, 2020 and in New Zealand the mandatory separation of human-beings continues. This is an antithesis of our very humanness. Some of my projects are on hold, the making of a video to introduce myself being one of them. In lieu of this a recent photo and a few words to connect for those who happen to stop by.

During this time of lockdown, a mirror has been held up to humanity en masse, a mirror that has reflected back who and how they are currently being in the world, hopefully highlighting what is most important.  How many I wonder have felt comfortable with being with self, how many have devoted time to personal projects, and how many have discovered they have no interests outside of work and family? The stopping of the world is a golden opportunity to pause, consider and begin anew.  

I wonder also how many have considered the implications for humanity of the various proposals that seek to irrevocably alter our humanness. An array of controls and dictates have been announced. Known as 'soft disclosure'  all and any 'proposals' can only 'become' if you agree to them.  

Humanity is at a tipping point whereby you either form and stand for your own views or give up your individuality. This is a critical time. Question more, read differently, and name your truth, for your truth is the truth that matters most.

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