Reiki Healings

My Reiki offerings are for those on the spiritual path; those who are actively involved in self work, and or the ascension process and wish to deepen their connection with source in respect of their healing.

Acting as a conduit for source energy I apply this energy to each chakra, noting the messages the soul (and body) wish to communicate to the recipient. I need no prior knowledge of the particular purpose for which the initial healing is sought. In this way we identify the context within which you are working, after which one can focus on a specific intent in regard to a particular area. The chakras are interrelated such that they impact upon one and other with this helpful to know rather than zeroing in as to what one thinks is the issue.

Post the healing I share what has been relayed to me. This invariably leads to a deeper discussion on the meaning of the messages as interpreted by the recipient, confirmation thereof of messages and or questioning if something does not make sense. When we 'name' something we understand the situations we are facing be that in healing or in any other walk of life. Hence this part of the work can be very empowering.

In summary we are working with source energy, healing what is ready to be cleared, receiving messages, and elaborating thereafter on the findings via conversation. This is where your understanding of yourself deepens. Often the guidance given has been 'top of mind for you' however one has not given themselves credence. Knowing that you intuitively know what is best for you helps you value and respect your own thinking — your intuition — and more importantly you begin to act upon it. These healings can set you on the path to be your own healer.

To obtain the maximum benefit of the healing I recommend one keeps a journal of how they are feeling prior to the healing and thereafter. There may be actions that arise from the energy healing with this the recipients responsibility to enact. I sometimes get a sense of whether another healing may be helpful with this occurring when one addresses deep issues, however this is entirely up to the recipient. You know what is best for you.

Reiki Healing Treatments are currently by distance

Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Authoress: Carol Lorraine


Mikao Usui  — The Founder of Reiki

Reiki Healing Treatments

Reiki  — a path to wellness and personal growth  — The Process

The Living of KnowThySelf  — Healing Series  — Reiki Healing [6]