
Reiki  - a path to wellness and personal growth.

Reiki is a gentle form of energy healing. A hands-on healing technique Reiki works on many different levels, but it always acts wherever the receiver needs it most. It works on the levels of the mind, body, emotions and spirit (soul) freeing blocked energy and supporting each individual’s healing process.  Reiki works with the energy centers of the body called the chakras, known as the gateways to consciousness. Our experiences and emotions are ‘stored’ in these energy centre's with Reiki healing a conduit for releasing and balancing the chakras. Remember that a healer ‘facilitates’ healing for one cannot make you well. Each of us moves at our own pace of comfort and awareness. 



The Process

Reiki energy healing is undertaken fully clothed. Lying down or sitting on a chair the Practitioner lays her hands on, or if preferred above the chakra points on your body. This laying on of the hands is an ancient practice, with hands being the conduit for source energy. In fact, Rei means the cosmic universal energy and Ki the fundamental life force.1


From producing a state of deep relaxation through to emotional releases, your response is as unique as you are. Trust that whatever occurs is what the body wants to convey at the particular time. Any discomfort both during, and post the Reiki healing is a positive sign. It indicates that what is surfacing you are ready to let go of. After the Reiki healing, you are encouraged to drink water and nurture yourself in order to support the healing process. 

Reiki Consultations 

When we open ourselves to dialogue on our human experience, the articulation of our thoughts leads us to discover the way forward. Wrapping language around what we ‘feel’ provides a new perspective and understanding of our situation. Reiki healing is a process through which we heal, grow and learn about our very selves. 


Our emotions are a beckoning towards wholeness. Once you decide to embark on your healing journey, you will find healers with whom you resonate with. Healers that are comfortable with and accepting of the spectrum of emotions that are a natural part of our living a physical existence. By honouring our discomfort we are honouring ourselves. In doing so we free ourselves from what keeps us small. Reiki is another way to enable yourself to be your own enabler.

Reiki healings in the context of these works are primarily for those on the spiritual path; those who are actively involved in self work and the ascension process.


1 Tanmaya Honervogt - The complete Reiki Tutor