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Foundation Workshop

Workshops are hosted when sufficient numbers present.

The essence of the works of Carol Lorraine - Know Thy-Self is 'reclaiming our feminine selves'. Its time to remember who we women really are. Whilst the Living of Know Thy-Self article series elucidates the application of the core principles of these works, the workshops provide the opportunity for participants to experience for themselves a shift from knowledge of 'what is' to knowing what is.  

We begin by asking “what do you really know about yourself, what brings you joy, and what do you wish to resolve”?

The macro and micro influences of our lives are considered with a view to raising awareness of how to navigate around 'society or workplace ways' that do not serve you. Given self change begins in the silence of the space created as between you and you, these works have application across all cultures, providing a gateway for those women who have a particular desire for freedom to grow.

Ultimately, Know Thy-Self is about discovering your depth and breath - something only you dear reader can do. I invite you to take up the mantle of engaging in your life on your terms - terms that respect and honour your feminine selves, whereby one provides for their-selves the sustenance that supports the substance of who you are. This is private work within small groups of like-minded women.

The Foundation Workshop provides the ethos for these works and is a pre-requisite for attendance to all workshops on offer. Expression of Interest may be sent to:

There is no We Women,
Until I The Woman
Is Willing to stand up
 and Speak for Herself
— Carol Lorraine