Keeper of The-Feminine | Keepers Keep

Keepers keep.

Not to keep is to be kept from. 

To play or be played. 

We the kept, have been played.


We the feminine have been kept from our feminine selves.

Know Thy-Self as a path to being the Keeper and the Player 

We are keepers or kept; either players or played. What chooseth you? Will you be kept from your feminine selves or will you be keeper of your feminine selves. Will you play in the sacred circles of The-Feminine or be played by the masculine lies lines ?  


What is the shape of the planets in the cosmos, mother earth, a flower, the feminine breasts, the spiral, the torus field, the flower of life and the Vesica Piscis? How does shape affect flow? Circles or lines, directress or directed? The wo-man or The-Feminine?    


Where is the gnosis, the Keeper and Player that is the genius of all life? Will you honour the call for the return of the mother, the healer, the giver of life? Will you reclaim your feminine selves?

 Reciamare, Reciamare, Reciamare

Keeper or kept, player or played. The servant or the savant. What chooseth you?  

Carol Lorraine

In Service to The-Feminine 

as Keeper of The-Feminine |

Keeper of The-Feminine| Message # 2 Summer 2021

Release Date: Friday, December 31, 2021

Copywrite @ 2021